PEFT for Low-Resource Languages: A Pathway to Linguistic Inclusion

Daniel Mekuriaw
2 min readJan 1, 2024

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) offers a viable alternative to improve the NLP capabilities of low-resource languages.

In my opinion, PEFT stands out as a feasible approach in addressing linguistic diversity, especially for digitally underrepresented languages. It offers a way to contribute to the NLP capabilities of these languages with minimal resource requirements.

Bridging the Gap in Low-Resource Languages

Low-resource languages, characterized by limited available data and technological support, often face significant hurdles in NLP development. PEFT emerges as a potential tool in bridging this gap. By fine-tuning only a small subset of model parameters, PEFT enables significant advancements in NLP capabilities without the need for extensive data or computational resources [1]. This approach can be particularly beneficial for languages where data scarcity has been a long-standing barrier. By optimizing resource usage, PEFT aligns well with the needs of these languages. Therefore, exploring PEFT as a research direction presents a promising opportunity to enhance the digital representation and capabilities of low-resource languages.

The Case of Tibetan Language: A Testament to PEFT’s Potential

A practical example of PEFT’s potential is seen in the Tibetan language. Research on Tibetan NLP, being inherently limited due to its low-resource nature, has gained new momentum with PEFT. Through efficient fine-tuning methods like prompt-tuning and adapter lightweight fine-tuning, substantial improvements in Tibetan language processing have been achieved [3]. These successes illustrate how PEFT can open doors to technological advancements for other low-resource languages. This, along with the project linked in the Resources section below, suggests that models capable of contributing to the advancement of such low-resource languages can be developed using PEFT approaches.

PEFT also enables researchers to conduct low-scale model explorations and studies, even with basic resources like Google Colab or standard GPUs. This accessibility allows for more flexible and individual research initiatives, which I believe is crucial for advancing NLP in low-resource languages. Encouraging contributions from those with relevant interests and experience is key. I’m personally committed to this cause, particularly for Amharic and other underrepresented languages. For those interested in collaboration or learning more, please drop your email address on the following Google form:

In summary, PEFT stands as a source of encouragement for low-resource languages, offering a viable and efficient pathway to advance their NLP capabilities. As we continue to explore and apply this technology, we move closer to a future where digital communication and information access are truly inclusive of the world’s linguistic diversity.


Link to Project Article:

Link to Google Form for Collaboration:


[1] LLMs.HowTo. (Year). Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT): Enhancing Large Language Models with Minimal Costs. Retrieved from

[2] Mangrulkar, S., & Paul, S. (2023, February 10). PEFT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Billion-Scale Models on Low-Resource Hardware. Hugging Face. Retrieved from

[3] Zhou, M., Zhuoma, D., Nuo, Q., & Tashi, N. (2023). PEFTT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for low-resource Tibetan pre-trained language models. arXiv.



Daniel Mekuriaw

An undergraduate student at Yale University ('24) majoring in Computer Science and Statistics & Data Science